Miami Corporate Banking
We make managing your company's International business easy with the guidance of a team of experts and product solutions to provide you with efficiency, agility and security in your operations.
Productos y Servicios:
Compensation Reward Clearing Account
Reward Clearing Account
- AQuickly and securely manage your company's transactions.
- Earn a return on your funds.
- Quickly make reports of your accounts for the DIAN and the Central Bank through the SISCOMP tool.
- Allows up to 6 debits a month.
- Receive specialized support on Colombian Exchange Regulations.
- Make your transactions online.
- Review your account transactions on the transaction website.
- Directly download your statements from the transaction website.
- Learn about all the services your company can access by acquiring our products, through the WEB Services option.
Request this product from your Account Manager. If you are already registered with us, call us at 018000-116062
Transactional Clearing Account
Efficiently manage an unlimited number of international transactions.
- Securely and efficiently make an unlimited number of international transactions and facilitate the management of your clearing account.
- Send your transactions online
- Receive specialized support on Colombian Exchange Regulations.
- Quickly generate specialized reports of your accounts to the Colombian Taxes and Customs authority (DIAN in its Spanish acronym) and the Central Bank through the SISCOMP (Clearing Accounts Report System) tool.
- Review your account transactions on the transaction website.
- Directly download your statements from the transaction website.
- Learn about all the services your company can access by acquiring our products, through the WEB Services option.
Request this product from your Account Manager. If you are already registered with us, call us at 018000-116062
Money Market Account
Optimize your funds management, earning interest on your account balances.
- Keep your funds at sight, generating a return.
- Make up to 6 debits a month.
- Review your account transactions on the transaction website.
- Learn about all the services your company can access by acquiring our products, through the WEB Services option.
Request this product from your Account Manager. If you are already registered with us, call us at 018000-116062
Checking Account
Manage your company's international transactions easily and efficiently.
- Optimize the daily management of your immediately available resources.
- Make unlimited transactions.
- Review your account transactions on the transaction website.
- Directly download your statements from the transaction website
- Obtain complete and timely information online to speed up logistics with your suppliers.
- Learn about all the services your company can access by acquiring our products, through the WEB Services option.
Request this product from your Account Manager. If you are already registered with us, call us at 018000-116062
Time Deposits
Obtain a return on your excess liquidity.
- Obtain a return on your excess liquidity through this option that offers you flexibility on terms according to your needs.
Request this product from your Account Manager. If you are already registered with us, call us at 018000-116062
Call Money Deposits
Obtain a return on your excess liquidity.
- Obtain a return on your excess liquidity through this option that offers you short-term Investments adapted to your company's needs.
Request this product from your Account Manager. If you are already registered with us, call us at 018000-116062
Mobile Banking
With this service you will be able to:
- Access to the International Website trough your Smartphone and Tablet*.
- View your account´s balances anywhere, safely and in a secure way.
- View the last transactions of your accounts: from the day, the last week or the past 30 days.
- Send transactions to accounts previously registered from the normal website.
- Authorize transactions.
* From any mobile device and trough all the operative systems.
It´s not an application, therefore it doesnt need to be installed. Type www.bancodebogotainternacional on your web browser and start using our services anywhere and with the convenience of your mobile device.
Notification of Transactions
Speed up your company's logistics operations.
- Stay up-to-date on your accounts' income and expenses via email.
Notification to Suppliers
Speed up your company's logistics operations.
- Expedites your company's logistics operations through this option that allows you to automatically notify suppliers of sent payments.
Clearing Accounts Management System (SISCOMP) (for accounts registered at the Colombian Central Bank)
Quickly and efficiently manage your obligations to the Colombian Central Bank and the Colombian Taxes and Customs Authority (DIAN in its Spanish Acronym) in one place
- Generate reports for the Colombian Central Bank and the DIAN.
- Uploading of foreign exchange declarations.
- Have a tool at your disposal that is constantly updated according to Colombian Exchange Regulations.
- Link the transactions of your account with the different exchange forms.
- Have a team of specialists who will give you personal guidance on how to use the system.
Request this service from your international Reviewant or your Account Manager.
Nuevo Portal Transaccional
You can now access our Internet Banking Service with new and improved options, such as:
- Use of Token (for improved authentication security).
- Open and renewal of Time Deposits.
- Alerts for your products and services.
- Help messages that simplify navigation.
- Unified review of all your accounts.
- Dual approval for admin users.
- New signature security levels.
- View copies of your incoming checks.
- Repayment of loans.
- Save transfer information for future payments.
- Mass approval of transfers.
International Consulting Center
A team of experts on the Colombian Foreign Exchange Regulations who will guide you in your international transactions.
- Call us at: 57-1-3810500 or Contact us at through our online chat International Banking option.
Internet Support Line
A specialized team that exclusively supports you in your registration and use of the website so that you can manage and use the different options.
Contact us at: Bogota 3822540, Medellin 5768062, Barranquilla 3507282, Cali 8987372 and Bucaramanga 6571262
Other Products
Facilitate your transactions with suppliers or clients around the world, through the foreign trade options that we offer in Colombia.
To learn more, Review International Banking - International Portfolio option.
Request these products by contacting your Account Manager in Colombia or the International Consulting Center at: 3810500.
Standby Letters of Credit
Guaranty your obligations in foreign currency
- Guaranty your obligations in foreign currency through this product, where the Bank acts as a guarantor of your company.
Request this product from your Account Manager. If you are already registered with us, call us at 018000-116062
Letters of Credit
Minimize risks involved in your commercial transactions.
- Make secure international transaction payments through the document verification of compliance with import/export conditions.
Request this product from your Account Manager. If you are already registered with us, call us at 018000-116062
Loans in Foreign Currency
Obtain funds in dollars.
- Obtain funds in dollars to meet your corporate business plans.
Request this product from your Account Manager. If you are already registered with us, call us at 018000-116062